
Sharon Paskewitz

About the Author

Sharon Paskewitz is a native of Illinois and presently resides in Nashville Tennessee.
For several years she has worked with people who are profoundly developmentally disabled,
by providing them a variety of therapies to enrich their lives. These therapies include
music, art and dance. Her work has included those who were medically fragile people
with very exclusive special needs. These needs include breathing and eating through
the use of tubes and tracheotomy. Through working with these exceptional people
she has learned how to combine therapies of all kinds to improve the quality of
life for others. Through these efforts she wishes to help others recognize the
miracles of God that we often miss or take for granted. This includes the mind,
body and spirit. Her hobbies include cross-stitch, writing poetry, and reading.

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Vines of Prayer
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